Bovista polymorpha    (Vittad.) Kreisel 

New classification: Basidiomycota/Agaricomycotina/Agaricomycetes/Agaricomycetidae/Agaricales/Agaricaceae  
Former classification: Basidiomycota/Homobasidiomycetes/Gasteromycetideae/Lycoperdales/Lycoperdaceae  

synonyms: Bovista aestivalis, Lycoperdon pusilliforme 
(unconfirmed synonyms: Lycoperdon furfuraceum, Lycoperdon polymorphum, Utraria furfuracea)  

edibility : discard

potential confusions with  Bovista polymorpha toxicity of Bovista polymorpha genus Bovista  

The fruiting body is spherical, finely warty, white then red-brown, with a very short or absent stem, not clearly marked from the fertile head.

The fertile surface is internal: the spores are released as dust when mature.

It grows on the ground, in woodlands, wood edges and clearings, pathsides, with oaks, pine, birch.

The fruiting period takes place from August to October.
Dimensions: width of fruiting body approximately 2.5 cm (between 1 and 3.5 cm)

Distinctive features : sorry, no English description yet

Bovista polymorpha is rare and confined in the forest of Rambouillet, and is occasional, more generally speaking .
here should be the distribution map of Bovista polymorpha in the forest of Rambouillet
Above : distribution map of Bovista polymorpha in the forest of Rambouillet

page updated on 14/01/18